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2015년 [EVS28-The28th International Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition]
- Cold start studies in a PEMFC stack for automotive fuel cells
- 저자 : Sungho LEE(Hyndai Motor), Sunbo Shim(Hyndai Motor), Joonguen Park(Hyndai Motor)
- 정보 : 1~15, 2015 [International Conference]
- 권명 : EVS28-The28th International Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition
- Global EV Mecca driven by the wind Jeju Special Self-Governing Province EV Policy
- 저자 : (Jeju Specila Self-Governing Province)
- 정보 : 1~20, 2015 [International Conference]
- 권명 : EVS28-The28th International Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition
- How to Promote the Electric Vehicle Policy
- 저자 : (Air Pollution Control Division Climate & Environment HQ of Seoul Metropolitan Government)
- 정보 : 1~25, 2015 [International Conference]
- 권명 : EVS28-The28th International Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition
- Combined Charging System STEM FOR ALL
- 저자 : Albrecht Pfeiffer(BMW Group), Ralf Noha(Daimler), Sonke Detlefsen(Volkswagen AG), Cornel Pampu(Carmeq GmbH)
- 정보 : 1~20, 2015 [International Conference]
- 권명 : EVS28-The28th International Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition
- Alternative Drives in Germany: Hands-on E-Mobility! The four national Showcase Regions for Electric Mobility
- 저자 : Di Bitonto, Stefan (Germany Trade & Invest (GTAI))
- 정보 : 1~7, 2015 [International Conference]
- 권명 : EVS28-The28th International Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition
- Comparison of Energy Consumption and Costs of Different Plug-in Electric Vehicles in European and American Context
- 저자 : A. Rousseau(Argonne National Laboratory), T. Stephens(Argonne National Laboratory), J. Brokate(DLR, Institute of Vehicle Concepts), E. D. Ozdemir(DLR, Institute of Vehicle Concepts), M. Klotzke(DLR, Institute of Vehicle Concepts), S. A. Schmid(DLR, Institute of Vehicle Concepts), P. Plotz(Fraunhofer Institute Systems and Innovation Research ISI), F. Badin(IFPen, Rond-Point de l’echangeur de Solaize), J. Ward(U.S Department of Energy), O. T. Lim(Ulsan University)
- 정보 : 1~12, 2015 [International Conference]
- 권명 : EVS28-The28th International Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition
- Task on Quick Charging Technology of Electric Vehicles in IEA IA-HEV (Hybrid and Electric Vehicles)
- 저자 : Ignacio Martin(Operating Agent Task 20, IEA IA-HEV, CIRCE Fundation. C/Mariano Esquillor Gomez), Tony Markel(National Renewable Energy Laboratory), Jose Francisco Sanz(Director of the IER Area of CIRCE Fundation. C/Mariano Esquillor Gomez)
- 정보 : 1~7, 2015 [International Conference]
- 권명 : EVS28-The28th International Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition
- Electrification of transport logistic vehicles: A techno-economic assessment of battery and fuel cell electric transporter
- 저자 : Florian Kleiner(German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Vehicle Concepts), Enver Doruk Ozdemir(German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Vehicle Concepts), Stephan A. Schmid(German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Vehicle Concepts), Martin Beermann(JOANNEUM RESEARCH, Institute for Water, Energy and Sustainability), Bulent Catay(Sabanci University, Faculty of Engineering and Natural Science), Bob Moran(Office for Low Emission Vehicles (OLEV)), Ock Taeck Lim(Department of Mechanical and Automotive Engineering, Ulsan University), Horst E. Friedrich(German Aerospace Center (DLR), Institute of Vehicle Concepts)
- 정보 : 1~11, 2015 [International Conference]
- 권명 : EVS28-The28th International Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition
- Flemish Living Lab Electric Vehicles 3 years of real-life experiences!
- 저자 : Mol Carlo (VITO, Boeretang 200, 2400 Mol (Belgium))
- 정보 : 1~23, 2015 [International Conference]
- 권명 : EVS28-The28th International Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition
- Strategy and instruments for a successful implementation of electromobility in Austria
- 저자 : Andreas Dorda(A3PS (Austrian Association for Advanced Propulsion Systems) / Austrian Ministry for Transport, Innovation and Technology), Michael Nikowitz(A3PS (Austrian Association for Advanced Propulsion Systems))
- 정보 : 1~9, 2015 [International Conference]
- 권명 : EVS28-The28th International Electric Vehicle Symposium and Exhibition