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334-334 2019 [춘계학술대회]

제목 In-Cylinder flow analysis on small engine with different inclination of intake port
분야 연료 및 윤활유/연비
언어 English
저자 와호노밤방(울산대학교), 임옥택(울산대학교), 장성욱(세종공업), 박성규(KR모터스), 신용호(KR모터스), 아르디카(울산대학교)
Key Words intake port inclination, in-cylinder flow, small engine, motor cycles, converge
초록 In-cylinder air flow structures are known to strongly impact on the performance and combustion of internal combustion engines (ICE). Therefore, the main objective of this study is to analyze the in-cylinder flow field characteristics of a single-cylinder small engine to see the effect of intake port inclination at equivalent rated engine speed using simulation model under various intake valve lift conditions. The variation of intake port inclination is 0º, 11.5º, 15º and 20º. The engine geometry was created using SolidWorks, then exported and analyzed using commercial CFD method, CONVERGE. The grid independence was carried out for this small engine and the turbulence model was observed using the renormalized group (RNG) k- model. The pressure boundary conditions were used to define the fluid pressure at the intake and exhaust of the port. The result shows that the in-cylinder flow structure is greatly influenced by the intake port inclinations irrespective of intake valve lift. Maximum Turbulent Kinetic Energy (TKE) was highest at full intake valve lift irrespective of the inclination. Also, the maximum TKE was the highest for 15º intake port inclination compared to other inclinations irrespective of the intake valve lift at equivalent rated engine speed. Finally, it is concluding that the analysis carried in this work is useful in predicting the flow and in-turn optimizing combustion chamber of modern internal combustion engines.
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