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331-331 2019 [춘계학술대회]

제목 분위기 조건에 따른 가솔린-바이오디젤의 분무특성 연구
분야 연료 및 윤활유/연비
언어 Korean
저자 강유진(울산대학교), 임옥택(울산대학교), 김재광(모토닉), 전완재(모토닉), 이호길(자동차부품연구원), 삭다(울산대학교)
Key Words Schlieren(슐리렌계측), Spray penetration length(분무관통거리), Spray cone angle(분무원추각), Spray visualization(분무가시화), Constant Volume Combustion Chamber(정적연소기)
초록 The object of this study is to observe the spray characteristics of gasoline-biodiesel fuels when ambient temperature and pressure change. In the experiment, a constant volume combustion chamber(CVCC) was used for spray visualization. Homogeneous mixed gas was used as the atmospheric gas. Characteristics of spray at ambient temperature (60 °, 80 ° C) and ambient pressure at 20 bar, 30 bar, and 40 bar were investigated. Injection parameters were investigated such as spray penetration, spray cone angle and injection pressure. For the spray visualization, the Schlieren technique was used and the image was analyzed using image processing. As a result, the spray penetration tended to be short when the injection pressure was low and the ambient pressure was high, at the same time the spray angle was wide. With higher the injection pressure, the longer the spray shape and the shorter the spray angle.
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사단법인 한국자동차공학회

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