제목 |
가솔린 승용 차량에서 담체 종류에 따른 배출가스 특성에 관한 연구 |
분야 |
연료 및 윤활유/연비 |
언어 |
Korean |
저자 |
김세준(오덱), 여권구(오덱), 전민규(오덱), 나세연(오덱), 차문순(오덱), 이민호(한국석유관리원) |
Key Words |
TWC(삼원촉매), Substrate(담체), WCC(Warm-up Catalytic Converter), UCC(Under-floor Catalytic Converter) |
초록 |
Recently, the Gasoline gaseous emission concentration from gasoline internal combustion engine has been pointed as being hazardous for human health. Therefore, the exhaust gas legislations are more tightened every year, and the TWC performance should be improved to cope with the requirements. In this study, gas analyzers were measured from each TWC system(WCC+UCC) along the FTP-75 test mode, and the exhausted gas emission reduction effect by kind of substrate in TWC system will be represented. |
원문(PDF) |