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1-1 2005 [Internal Combustion Engine Symposium 2005]

제목 [Keynote Addresses] Characterization of Diesel Soot Particles
분야 Special Report
언어 English
저자 Takeyuki Kamimoto(Tokai University)
Key Words Diesel engine, PM emission, soot aggregate, Characterization, Two-color method
초록 The characteristics of diesel soot particles sampled from diesel exhaust of a common-rail turbo-charged diesel engine are quantified by optical diagnostics. The radius of gyration representing the soot aggregates size is measured by the angular distribution of scattering intensity, while the specific extinction is measured by a two-wavelength extinction method. The refractive index of diesel soot is discussed using these data as well as the soot aggregates scattering theory. Lastly, the two-colour method is re-exmined and the physical meaning of the apparent emissivity of luminous flame is explained clearly based on the scattering theory.
원문(PDF) 다운로드

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