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6-6 2005 [Internal Combustion Engine Symposium 2005]

제목 The Study of High -Temperature Reaction Responding to Diesel Engine Performance and Exhaust Emission by Mixing Aluminum Nanofluid in Diesel Fuel
분야 Engine, Emission Technology
언어 English
저자 Mu-Jung Kao(National Taipei University of Technology Taipei), Bai-Fu Lin(National Taipei University of Technology Taipei), Tsing-Tshih Tsung(National Taipei University of Technology Taipei)
Key Words Nano-Aluminum-Powder, Nanofluid, Plasma, Exhaust Emission
초록 Hydrogen burns directly in diesel engine in the presence of active aluminum nanofluid when aluminum nanofluid, which is made by applying a plasma arc welding machine to nano-aluminum-powder submered in water is mixed into diesel fuel, the high temperature inside the cylinder after fuel is burnt can cause the aluminum powder in to decompose the water to yield the hydrogen. Nano aluminum powder exist the nano meter scale, and so provides a large surface area and high activity in the decompostion of hydrogen from water, increasing the heat. The results show that adding certain aluminum nanofluid to diesel fuel burn not only saves fuel, but also reduces the concentrations of smoke, oxides of nitrogen and hydrocarbons in the exhaust emission from diesel engine.
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