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4-4 2005 [Internal Combustion Engine Symposium 2005]

제목 Quantification of In-Cylinder Diesel Soot by Using Laser Techniques
분야 Engine, Emission Technology
언어 English
저자 Deokjin Kim(Korea Automotive Technology Institute), Chunbeom Lee(Korea Automotive Technology Institute), Wonnam Lee(Dankook University)
Key Words Engine Combustion, Pollution, Laser Induced Incandescence, Laser Induced Scattering, Soot
초록 In-cylinder measurements of soot particle size and number density have been made using LII(Laser Induced Incandescence) and LIS(Laser Induced Scattering) measurement technique in a direct injection diesel optical enjine. LII/LIS measurement and calibration techiniques with laminar diffusion flame were used to obtain quantitative information of diesel soot. Two optical techniques were used simultaneously involving LII and LIS signal. One Intensified CCD camera was used to obtain 2-D radiation and scattering signal images. The light signals split through the splitter were passed through a band-pass filter, centered at 532 nm with a 10 nm FWHM, and a band-pass filter, centered at 450 nm with a 40 nm FWHM, and were imaged with an ICCD camera simulataneously. The soot volume fraction can be calculated from the LII signal image, directly. After the relative soot diameter and number density were calculated from LII and LIS signal images, the calibration of LII/LIS method was obtained by comparison with well-established data from a laminar diffusion flame using light extinctions/scattering method. Finally, LII/LIS simultaneous measuring technique for the measurement of in-cylinder diesel soot was performed.
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