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3-3 2005 [Internal Combustion Engine Symposium 2005]

제목 Soot Precursor Formation in Low-Temperature Flat-Burner Flames
분야 Engine, Emission Technology
언어 English
저자 Masahiro Furutani(Nagoya Institute of Technology), Masanori Takasawa(Nagoya Institute of Technology), Tetsuya Isogai(Nagoya Institute of Technology), Yasuhiko Ohta(Nagoya Institute of Technology)
Key Words Diesel Engine, Ignition, Oxygenerated Fuel / Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons, Ion Current
초록 Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) and ion formation in the preflame induction process were investigated using a laminar, diethyl-ether/air, low-temperature, flat stablized burner, operated with an equivalence ratio of 3.0 under an atmospheric pressure. Single-ring aromatics and PAHs ranging from two- to four-fused aromatic rings and unsaturated aliphatic hydrocarbons were measured by liquid- and gas-chromatography. The ion current through an ionization gap has also been measured. Most PAHs and single-ring aromatics were found after the cool flame has degenerated, whereas phenol, acetylene and ion current could be detected at the time when a cool flame appeared. In the blue flame, these species increased markedly as compared to the cool flame period.
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