제목 |
DC 모터 드라이버의 비선형성을 고려한 전자식 스로틀 바디 모델 |
분야 |
전기ㆍ전자ㆍ통신 |
언어 |
Korean |
저자 |
진성태(창원대학교), 이우택(창원대학교), 강종진(델파이파워트레인) |
Key Words |
Electronic throttle body(ETB : 전자식 스로틀 바디), Static friction(정지 마찰력), Coulomb friction(운동 마찰력), Return spring(리턴 스프링), Non-linearity(비선형성) |
초록 |
This paper proposes an Electronic Throttle Body (ETB) model considering a non-linearity of DC motor driver which is integrated with a H-bridge and a gate driver. A propagation delay and reverse recovery time of switching components cause non-linear characteristic of DC motor driver. This non-linearity affects not only the amateur voltage of DC motor, but also entire behaviour and parameters of ETB. In order to analyze the behavior of ETB more accurately, this non-linear effect of DC motor driver is modeled. The developed ETB model is validated by use of the step response and ramp response experiments, and it shows relatively accurate results compared with linear DC motor driver model.{{br}} |
원문(PDF) |