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16권 1호 52-63 2008 [한국자동차공학회 논문집 ]

제목 3차원 충돌 해석 정보를 이용한 측면 충돌 사고 재구성
분야 차체 및 구조 안전
언어 Korean
저자 장인식(홍익대학교), 김일동(홍익대학교)
Key Words Side collision accident reconstruction(측면충돌사고재구성), Deformation index(변형지수), Angle index(각도지수), Crash analysis(충돌해석), Collision configuration(충돌상황)
초록 The side collision reconstruction algorithm is developed using three dimensional car crash analysis. Medium size passenger car is modeled for finite element analysis. Total 24 side collision configurations, four different speed and six different angle, are set up for making side collision database. Deformation index and degree index are built up for each collision case. Deformation index is a kind of deformation estimate averaging displacement of side door of crashed car from finite element analysis result. Angle index is constructed measuring deformed angle of crashing car. There are two kinds of angle index, one is measured at driver's side and the other is measured at passenger's side. Also a collision analysis information in side of cars is used for giving a basis for scientific and practical reason in a reconstruction of the car accident. The analysis program, LS-DYNA3D is utilized for finite element analysis program for a collision analysis. Those database are used for side collision reconstruction. Side collision reconstruction algorithm is developed, and applied to find the collision conditions before the accident occurs. Three example collision cases are tried to check the effectiveness of the algorithm. Deformation index and angle index is extracted for the case from the analysis result. Deformation index is compared to the established database, and estimated collision speed and angle are introduced by interpolation function. Angle index is used to select a specific collision condition from the several available conditions. The collision condition found by reconstruction algorithm shows good match with original condition within 10% error for speed and angle. As a result, the calculation from the reconstruction of the situation is reproducing the situation well. The performance in this study can be used in many ways for practical field using deformation index and degree index. Other different collision situations may be set up for extending the scope of this study in the future.{{br}}
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