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16권 1호 45-51 2008 [한국자동차공학회 논문집 ]

제목 무배전기식 불꽃 점화 시스템에서 복사되는 전자파의 전력 스펙트럼 분석
분야 전기ㆍ전자ㆍ통신
언어 Korean
저자 최광제(한라대학교), 조시기(한라대학교), 정원락(한라대학교), 장성국(한라대학교), 강신한(한라대학교)
Key Words Distributorless spark ignition system(무배전기식 불꽃 점화 시스템), Microwave transmission line theory (초고주파 전송선로 이론), Standing wave ratio:SWR(정재파비), Radiation power spectrum(복사전력 스펙트럼), Monopole ant
초록 This paper presents theoretical and experimental analysis on the characteristics of the power spectrum of elelctormagnetic waves radiating from the spark plug and their cables of a distributorless ignition system. The theoretical study was conducted applying the microwave transmission line theory and the antenna theory. The experimental works were carried out to measure the standing wave ratio(SWR) and the radiation power spectrum of this system. As a result, it has been found that a spark plug and its cable is working as a monopole antenna radiating elelctromagnetic waves. Because of its similar structure to a monopole antenna, the envelope of radiation power spectrum distribution has a bell shape which can be obtained from a monopole antenna operating as a series resonant circuit. The frequency characteristics from the SWR measurements show a similar frequency characteristics of power spectrum of the system studied. Also, it has been found that the density of the power spectrum of the system fitting a long time used spark plug is higher than that of fitting a new spark plug.{{br}}
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