제목 |
정적연소기를 이용한 합성가스의 가연한계 및 연소특성에 관한 실험적 연구 |
분야 |
엔진 및 연소 |
언어 |
Korean |
저자 |
조용석(국민대학교), 이성욱(국민대학교), 박영준(국민대학교), 김득상(국민대학교), 원상연(국민대학교) |
Key Words |
Synthetic gas(합성가스), Constant volume chamber(정적연소기), Hydrogen combustion(수소연소), Flammability limit(가연한계) |
초록 |
Synthetic gas is defined as reformed gas from hydrocarbon-based fuel and the major chemical species of the synthetic gas are H2, CO and N2. Among them, hydrogen from synthetic gas is very useful species in chemical process such as combustion. It is a main reason that many studies have been performed to develop an effective reforming device. Furthermore, other technologies have been studied for synthetic gas application, such as the ESGI(Exhaust Synthetic Gas Injection) technology. ESGI injects and burns synthetic gas in the exhaust pipe so that heat from hydrogen combustion helps fast warmup of the close-coupled catalyst and reduction of harmful emissions. However, it is very hard to understand combustion characteristic of hydrogen under low oxygen environment and complicated variation in chemical species in exhaust gas. This study focuses on the characteristics of hydrogen combustion under ESGI operating conditions using a CVC(Constant Volume Chamber). Measurements of pressure variation and flame speed have been performed for various oxygen and hydrogen concentrations. Results have been analyzed to understand ignition and combustion characteristics of hydrogen under lower oxygen conditions. The CVC experiments showed that under lower oxygen concentration, amount of active chemicals in the combustion chamber was a crucial factor to influence hydrogen combustion as well as hydrogen/oxygen ratio. It is also found that increase in volume fraction of oxygen is effective for the fast and stable burning of hydrogen by virtue of increase in flame speed.{{br}} |
원문(PDF) |