제목 |
소형승합차량 및 RV차량의 휘발성 유기 화합물 배출특성 변화에 관한 연구 |
분야 |
엔진 및 연소 |
언어 |
Korean |
저자 |
엄명도(국립환경과학원), 김대욱(국립환경과학원), 김종춘(국립환경과학원), 류정호(국립환경과학원), 유영숙(국립환경과학원), 한종수(국립환경과학원) |
Key Words |
Light duty diesel and LPG vehicle(디젤 및 LPG 소형차), Volatile organic compounds ; VOCs(휘발성유기화합물), Emission characteristics(배출특성) |
초록 |
Emissions from automobiles have long been considered a prime source of pollutants involved in smog formation and ozone production. Especially VOCs are associated with serious environmental problems such as photo-chemical smog as well as human health effects. Since motor vehicles are a major source of VOCs, estimating of emission from mobile source is the most important factor to control VOCs. VOCs are emitted from various pollution like motor vehicles, mobile and stationary source that has characteristics of toxicity, cancer-causing, bio-accumulation, durability in air and diffusion can exert a bad influence upon human health and environment. However we don't have any standard or regulation about VOCs emissions. This study is summarized as VOCs emission characteristics from in-use light-duty diesel and LPG fueled vehicles. The vehicle exhaust-gas test mode is CVS cycle and nier-10 cycles that developed on EPA and National Institute of Environmental Research. TO-14 method (Toxic Organic) was chosen for VOCs analysis from EPA in USA. This study results will be useful when make a emission factor and rule making of emission standard about domestic VOCs emission for the improve to air condition.{{br}} |
원문(PDF) |