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9권 1호 84-93 2001 [한국자동차공학회 논문집 ]

제목 대향류형 보텍스 튜브에서의 형상 변화에 따른 온도 분리에 관한 실험적 연구(I)
분야 기타
언어 Korean
저자 황승식(국민대학교), 전운학(국민대학교), 김종철(충주대학교), 이희상(인천전문대학)
Key Words Vortex tube(보텍스 튜브), Compressed air(압축 공기), Mass flow rate ratio(질량 유량비), Separation point(정체점)
초록 The aim of this study is to provide fundamental informations that make it possible to use a cool stream and a hot stream simultaneously. We changed the pressure of compressed air that flows into a tube, the inner diameter of orifice that a cold stream exits, and the mass flow rate ratio. And in each case, we measured the temperature of a cold stream and a hot stream in each exit of a tube. Also we measured the axial temperature distribution and the radial temperature distribution in internal space of a tube. From the study, following conclusive remarks can be made. Average flow rate that flows into a tube is in proportion to square root of inlet pressure. As inlet pressure increases axial and radial temperature distribution in the inner space of vortex-tube increase. As mass flow rate ratio change, separation point moves.
원문(PDF) 다운로드

사단법인 한국자동차공학회

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