제목 |
공기 보조 미립화 인젝터의 미립화 메카니즘 해석에 관한 연구 |
분야 |
엔진 및 연소 |
언어 |
Korean |
저자 |
이창식(한양대학교), 서영호(자동차부품연구원), 이기형(한양대학교), 김봉규(한양대학교) |
Key Words |
Air shrouded injector(공기 보조 미립화 인젝터), Atomizer(미립화기), PDPA(위상 도플러 입경 측정장치), Distribution function(분포함수), Sauter mean diameter(Sauter 평균입경) |
초록 |
EFI system has severe problems of heavy HC emission generated by large fuel droplets and non-uniform air-fuel mixture. Therefore, various atomization techniques are being developed in order to reduce HC emission. The one among those techniques is air shrouded injector, which has better atomization ability and demands less power loss than other atomizers. Thus, the development of this air shrouded injector can be major topic to cope with international emission regulation. Nevertheless, there are few domestic and foreign studies which deal with air shrouded injector. In this study, the spray characteristics and atomization mechanism of the representative air shrouded injector were analyzed using PDPA system. From experimental results, the definite standards of air shrouded injector's spray characteristics were established. |
원문(PDF) |