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9권 1호 45-56 2001 [한국자동차공학회 논문집 ]

제목 정적연소기에서 점화에너지와 점화 장치가 화염전파속도에 미치는 영향에 관한 연구
분야 열유체 및 공조시스템(HVAC)
언어 Korean
저자 선우명호(한양대학교), 서영호(자동차부품연구원), 송정훈(한양대학교)
Key Words Flame propagation(화염전파), Ignition system(점화장치), Laser deflection method(레이저 굴절법), Constant volume combustion chamber(정적연소기)
초록 A constant volume combustion chamber is employed to investigate the initial flame kernel development and flame propagation of gasoline-air mixtures with various ignition systems, ignition energy and spark plug electrodes. To do this research, four ignition systems are designed and manufactured, and the ignition energy is controlled by varying the dwell time. Several kinds of spark plugs are also made to analyze the effects of electrodes on flame kernel development. The velocity of flame propagation is measured by the laser deflection method. The output laser beam from He-Ne laser is divided into three parallel beams by a beam splitter. The splitted beams pass through the combustion chamber. They are deflected when contacted with flame front, and the voltage signals from photodiodes change due to deflection. The results show that higher ignition energy raises the flame propagation speed especially under the fuel lean operation. The wider electrode gap, smaller electrode diameter and sharper electrode tip make the speed of the initial flame propagation faster. The speed of the initial flame propagation is affected by electrode material as well. Electrode material with lower melting temperature help the initial flame propagation.
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사단법인 한국자동차공학회

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