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9권 1호 20-27 2001 [한국자동차공학회 논문집 ]

제목 가변 형상 무한 궤도 차량의 성능 해석 및 설계
분야 기타
언어 Korean
저자 곽윤근(한국과학기술원), 김한호(한국과학기술원)
Key Words Tracked vehicle(무한 궤도 차량), Performnce analysis(성능 해석), Variable Configuration(가변 형상), Track T-type frame(트랙 T형 프레임)
초록 A variable configuration tracked vehicle(VCTV) is developed to reduce turning energy and improve climbing ability for stairs. This mechanism has four track T-type frames. By changing the driving direction, each track T-type frame rotates to minimize the contact area with ground. It also has better performance than other VCTV in energy consumption of turning. Furthermore this mechanism is more stable than other VCTV on the rough terrain. When climbing stairs, each track T-type frame rotates to obtain a front attack angle and keep stability on steep stairs. The design parameters of components of track T-type frames are optimized to enhance the performance of climbing stairs. Performance indices include a stable angle, a climbing ability, a height of the vertical obstacle. In case that the overall length of the mechanism is 0.2m, it is required that the radius of the wheels should be 5mm and the length track contacted with the ground should be 0.09m to climb higher and steeper stairs.
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