제목 |
CR X-선 영상기법을 이용한 DPF 파손여부에 대한 비파괴 측정 타당성 연구 |
분야 |
연료 및 배기 |
언어 |
Korean |
저자 |
권만재(국민대학교), 박기영(국민대학교), 김성준(고려대학교), 한태호(고려대학교), 김정민(고려대학교), 이성욱(국민대학교) |
Key Words |
Diesel vehicle(경유 차량), DPF(매연여과장치), PM(입자상물질), CR(전산화방사선촬영), X-Ray(엑스선) |
초록 |
Diesel vehicles are equipped with after-treatment devices, such as DPF. Meanwhile, DPF is damaged by a combination of regenerative processes and unclear factors. If the DPF substrate is damaged, the filtration performance will deteriorate, thereby resulting in excessive levels of fine dust being emitted while driving. In this study, CR X-ray techniques were used in order to determine whether a DPF was damaged without prior removal. In order to verify the technological feasibility, an X-ray imaging of the DPF removed from the driving vehicle was conducted by using an X-ray generator, as well as an IP reader and a CR reader. Optimal irradiation conditions were established for each DPF size. Verification of images acquired under optimal irradiation conditions confirmed the possibility of diagnosis for damages, such as crack, melting, and hollow damage. |
원문(PDF) |
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