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27권 10호 811-818 2019 [한국자동차공학회 논문집 ]

제목 메타분석기반 자동비상제동장치 사고방지 효과 연구
분야 기타
언어 Korean
저자 이재상(보험개발원), 이재원(보험개발원), 김태원(한양대학교)
Key Words ADAS(첨단운전자지원장치), AEB(자동비상제동장치), Meta-analysis(메타분석), IVW(역분산가중추정법), WLS(가중최소제곱추정법)
초록 For the road safety of passengers and vulnerable road users, the advanced driver assistance systems(ADAS) were recently introduced in vehicles. Among the ADAS, AEB is known as the best safety device for preventing traffic accidents. However, it is difficult to find a study that analyzes its effects by using the accident statistics of a country. The effectiveness of AEB on actual roads is the basic data for improving the performance of AEB and calculating the vehicle insurance premium. This paper presents the collision avoidance effect of AEB by means of a meta-analysis method. Meta-analysis is a statistical method used for deriving a comprehensive conclusion based on several studies. In order to estimate the effectiveness of AEB by applying the meta-analysis method, the accident data from Korean auto insurance companies are used. As a result, among the same model vehicles, the accident rate of a vehicle with an AEB was approximately 10 % to 17 % smaller than that of a vehicle without an AEB. The purpose of this study is to verify the effectiveness of AEB’s actual accident prevention for domestic vehicles lacking in statistical verification studies.
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