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30권 5호 357-362 2022 [한국자동차공학회 논문집 ]

제목 상용차용 ESC 제어로직 검증을 위한 HILS 개발
분야 차량동역학 및 제어
언어 Korean
저자 나대영(한국자동차연구원), 조병관(한국기술교육대학교), 김진용(한국자동차연구원), 이두호(한국자동차연구원), 조현종(상신브레이크)
Key Words Commercial vehicles(상용차), Control logic(제어로직), HILS(가상통합개발환경), ESC(전자식 자세제어), ABS(잠김방지 브레이크 시스템)
초록 The development of safety systems, including Autonomous Emergency Braking(AEB) and Electronic Stability Control(ESC), has become more prominent recently due to problems that led to major accidents caused by drowsy driving, the driver’s focus on the road, etc. while driving a commercial vehicle. Vehicle performance testing for developing safety systems must be run in parallel with control logic verification so that ESC can be applied in commercial vehicles. Because of the risks associated with this process, in which both the test vehicle and its test engineer are evaluated in terms of actual vehicle performance, it is essential to develop a technology that can evaluate Hardware-in-the-Loop Simulation(HILS) in testing a pneumatic brake of a commercial vehicle, and verify an alternative system and its control logic. It is expected that the developed HILS will help in developing a safety system for commercial vehicles, such as AEB, ESC, etc. that are based on the pneumatic braking system, and contribute to the reduction of major accidents involving commercial vehicles.
원문(PDF) 다운로드 Journal Site

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