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30권 5호 363-369 2022 [한국자동차공학회 논문집 ]

제목 자동차용 전자기식 커플링 재제조 공정기술 적용에 따른 성능 연구
분야 자동차시험평가 및 기술교육
언어 Korean
저자 서영교(한국자동차연구원), 고지원(한국자동차연구원), 박용우(CNPOS)
Key Words Electromagnetic coupling(전자기식 커플링), Process technology(공정기술), Remanufacturing(재제조), Performance verification(성능검증), Output torque(출력 토크)
초록 In this study, remanufacturing process technology, including the assembly processes of a backplate and an oil seal, was developed to restore the performance of the used electromagnetic coupling. The suitability of this remanufacturing process technology to restore performance was verified by comparing the test results of three remanufactured electromagnetic couplings and three original electromagnetic couplings. After comparing the test values of the remanufactured electromagnetic couplings with those of the original products, the drag torque, output torque, and runout of the remanufactured products resulted in 112.5 %, 92.5 %, and 89 %, respectively. Therefore, the suitability of the electromagnetic coupling remanufacturing process technology that was developed through this study was verified, and that the remanufactured electromagnetic coupling was restored to a level that was equivalent to that of the original electromagnetic coupling.
원문(PDF) 다운로드 Journal Site

사단법인 한국자동차공학회

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