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30권 5호 371-378 2022 [한국자동차공학회 논문집 ]

제목 노면 소음 능동제어 시스템의 성능 평가를 위한 HIL 시뮬레이터 개발
분야 진동ㆍ소음
언어 Korean
저자 강종규(충남대학교), 김현석(에이알이), 도지현(에이알이), 오치성(현대자동차 ), 오동호(충남대학교)
Key Words HIL(Hardware-In-the-Loop, 하드웨어 포함), Road noise(노면 소음), Active noise control system(능동소음 제어 시스템), Multirate system(멀티레이트 시스템), Digital signal processor(디지털 신호 처리기)
초록 To evaluate hardware, software, and the performance of the road noise active control system prior to conducting the actual vehicle test, a HIL(Hardware-In-the-Loop) simulator was proposed. Reference signals and primary noise signals were measured by accelerometers and microphones on the test vehicle, respectively. The secondary path, which was used for the plant model in the simulation loop, was also modeled in the test vehicle. Various references and noise data could be stored on the host PC of the HIL simulator, and optionally used for simulations. The HIL simulator hardware was developed by using a multicore, system-on-chip processor configured with TMS320C66x CorePac DSP. This multi-rate system is composed of the sampling rate conversion blocks for input and output signals. The control signal of the active noise control system was then convolved with the secondary path model, and a residual error signal was produced with the addition of the primary noise. The proposed system was verified in terms of convergence characteristics, while noise reduction performance was evaluated after comparing the MATLAB simulation with the actual vehicle test.
원문(PDF) 다운로드 Journal Site

사단법인 한국자동차공학회

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