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30권 5호 391-396 2022 [한국자동차공학회 논문집 ]

제목 휠 가속도 신호를 이용한 차량의 LTR 실시간 추정
분야 기타
언어 Korean
저자 김정윤(대구가톨릭대학교)
Key Words Wheel linear accelerations(휠 가속도), Rollover safety(전복안전성), Tire vertical force(타이어 수직력), LTR(횡방향 부하 전달 비율), Road test(실차 시험)
초록 This paper describes a method of obtaining the lateral load transfer ratio(LTR) that can determine the rollover safety of the vehicle by using wheel linear accelerations. An LTR which is defined only by the vertical force of the wheels, can detect an instantaneous lateral load transfer, regardless of a sudden steering input while the vehicle is in motion. Thus, it is necessary to measure the vertical forces acting on each tire in real-time, though it is difficult to implement in practice. This paper proposes a novel approach to estimate the vertical forces by using wheel linear accelerations and a simplified vehicle dynamic model. The proposed vehicle dynamic model assumes only the rigidity of the vehicle body to convert wheel acceleration signals into the vertical forces on each tire in real-time. A signal processor and a digital filter were designed to convert the acceleration signal into the rectified vertical forces and LTR in real-time. Finally, the proposed method has been validated through road tests by using three-axis accelerometers and six-component, wheel force transducers mounted on the SUV.
원문(PDF) 다운로드 Journal Site

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