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30권 5호 397-403 2022 [한국자동차공학회 논문집 ]

제목 브레이크 디스크 두께 편차와 런아웃이 냉간 저더에 미치는 영향에 관한 실험 분석
분야 차량동역학 및 제어
언어 Korean
저자 정준휘(쌍용자동차), 신응수(충북대학교)
Key Words Cold judder(냉간 저더), Brake disc(브레이크 디스크), Disc thickness variation(디스크 두께 변화), Brake torque variation(브레이크 토크 변화), Run-out(런 아웃)
초록 In this study, the effects of the disc thickness variation(DTV) and runout on the brake cold judder were investigated through an experiment. A vehicle test was performed to measure hydraulic pressure fluctuation, brake torque variation, and vibrations at the brake pedal, the low arm, and the steering wheel. Also, a road test without braking was conducted to investigate the growing process of DTV. It was found that the cold judder was closely related to DTV, but it was also affected by the runout. Furthermore, disc runout caused DTV growth, which led to the cold judder. Finally, severe vibrations due to the cold judder could be reduced by controlling the runout, and adjusting the modal characteristics of the vehicle subsystems, including the lower arm, the steering wheel, and the dashboard.
원문(PDF) 다운로드 Journal Site

사단법인 한국자동차공학회

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