제목 |
기업 전략 관점 스마트시티 시장 지향 신사업 발굴 및 추진 방법론: 자동차부품제조 T사 사내벤처 프로젝트 사례연구 |
분야 |
기타 |
언어 |
Korean |
저자 |
윤석찬(성균관대학교), 김영진(티에이치엔), 김경환(성균관대학교) |
Key Words |
Smartcity(스마트시티), Platform(플랫폼), Governance(거버넌스), Control(관제), Spin-off(사내벤처), Start-up(스타트업컨설팅) |
초록 |
The concept of a smart city is gradually changing from a simple digitalization concept to a mega platform that provides a user-centered space-time integration service. In this article, ‘Smart n/X’, ‘Control Depth and Category’, and ‘Market Governance’ 3 application concept derivation experiences are explained with a phenomenological description attitude. Although the subject of this paper is described as the process of company T’s spin-off experience, the essential hypothesis of this study is that there is a ‘core technology that can dominate the market through governance’ within the smart city market. Based on the results of this study, follow-up studies are expected, such as measuring the market dominance of core technologies and utilizing them for start-up item discovery or consulting to secure the Top-level of core technology for startup teams or growth organizations. |
원문(PDF) |
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