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30권 5호 417-425 2022 [한국자동차공학회 논문집 ]

제목 차량 시뮬레이션을 통한 전기버스 성능 분석 및 도심노선 운행 적합성 연구
분야 전기동력자동차
언어 Korean
저자 유태현(한국자동차연구원), 정호창(한국자동차연구원), 김덕진(한국자동차연구원)
Key Words Distance of one charging(1 충전 주행거리), Electric bus(전기버스), Vehicle simulation(차량 시뮬레이션), Route driving information(노선 주행 정보), Heavy duty chassis dynamometer(대형 차대동력계)
초록 The energy consumption efficiency of electric buses in large cities changes according to the traffic flow, so it is difficult to predict electricity consumption efficiency accurately. Therefore, in this paper, a vehicle simulation model was established based on Bangkok’s busy city bus routes, and verified the vehicle simulation model through vehicle-based, actual vehicle tests. A power system model for vehicle simulation was established based on the specifications of electric buses and their component parts, and the basic power performance of the electric buses, such as max traction, max speed, and climbing performance, was analyzed. To verify the final vehicle simulation model, a correlation test was conducted, and compared to the actual vehicle test result of the electric bus. The chassis dynamometer-based actual vehicle test was conducted based on the KATECH-G driving mode that was developed to reflect the characteristics of bus operations in Seoul, the WHVC driving mode that reflects the characteristics of roads in major countries around the world, and a constant speed driving mode. As a result, the performance prediction results of the power and electrical energy consumption efficiency of the vehicle simulation model were verified. Furthermore, a representative driving route was selected based on the location and altitude information of the city bus routes to review the suitability of electric bus operations in Bangkok, Tha iland. The selected driving route was corrected for data accuracy in some sections that were distorted through the driving data in actual roads. Through this process, a driving scenario based on the characteristics of the city bus route was established, while electric energy consumption efficiency and compatibility of electric bus operations to the city routes of electric buses were derived through vehicle simulation.
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사단법인 한국자동차공학회

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