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30권 11호 865-871 2022 [한국자동차공학회 논문집 ]

제목 고압축비 SI 엔진의 순수 암모니아 연료 사용 가능성에 관한 연구
분야 연료 및 배기
언어 Korean
저자 원현우(아람코)
Key Words Carbon-free fuel(비탄소 연료), NH3 as fuel(암모니아 연료), HN3 combustion(암모니아 연소), NH3 spark ignition engine(암모니아 불꽃 점화 엔진), NH3 SI engine with high compression ratio(고압축비 암모니아 SI 엔진)
초록 Environmental concerns and attempts to reduce CO2 emission due to greenhouse ga (GHG) include increased consumption of carbon-free fuel like hydrogen and its derivat (like ammonia) in the transportation sector. However, ammonia(NH3), whose storage and carrier requirements suit the existent infrastructure and has better commercial viability, are less expensive in terms of cost per unit of energy and higher volumetric energy density compared to hydrogen. In this study, the potential of NH3 as a ustainable fuel for spark ignition engines with a high compression ratio(CR: 16.5), based on a compression ignition engine architecture, is evaluated after considering NH3 combustion and thermodynamic performance. The experimental results addressed combustion behavior and exhaust gases’ emissions as the possibility of using pure NH3 as fuel on a conventional engine continues to be explored.
원문(PDF) 다운로드 Journal Site

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