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31권 1호 1-9 2023 [한국자동차공학회 논문집 ]

제목 사회적 규범 내에서 여유 변수를 활용한 커넥티드 카의 자연스러운 속도 계획법
분야 전기ㆍ전자ㆍ통신
언어 Korean
저자 권소련(경북대학교), 한경석(경북대학교)
Key Words Deviant behavior(위반 행동), Social norm(사회적 규범), Signal phase and timing(신호등 위상 및 시간), Model predictive control(모델 예측 제어), Connected and automated vehicle(연결된 자율주행차량)
초록 In recent years, studies on natural behavior planning for autonomous vehicles have been popular in both the academia and the industry. This study proposes receding-horizon control, framework-based vehicle speed planning. Using a sufficiently long prediction horizon, our approach is aimed at a smoothed velocity trajectory, reducing the entire trip time by passing the traffic light properly. Moreover, the proposed method mimics a human driver naturally in terms of driving styles(i.e., conservative, general, and aggressive behaviors). In the view of the social norm, the planned speed from our approach sometimes exceeds the specified speed limit, but it does not violate strict traffic rules. In this manner, the controlled, connected, and automated vehicle behaves as human drivers do in their daily driving. Specifically, we impose a slack variable to the proposed control framework when upcoming traffic information is available, so that the vehicle can pass the traffic signal at the yellow light phase. By relaxing state constraints, the test results in this paper show a reduction in trip time and fuel consumption.
원문(PDF) 다운로드 Journal Site

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