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31권 1호 61-70 2023 [한국자동차공학회 논문집 ]

제목 6 L급 대형 디젤 엔진에서 디젤 분사시기에 따른 협각과 광각을 가진 2열 노즐이 연소, 효율 및 배기에 미치는 영향 분석
분야 엔진 및 연소
언어 Korean
저자 오세철(한국기계연구원), 오준호(전북대학교), 장형준(한국기계연구원), 이석환(한국기계연구원), 이선엽(한국기계연구원), 김창기(한국기계연구원), 이정우(전북대학교)
Key Words Brake thermal efficiency(제동 열효율), Compression ignition(압축착화), Diesel injection timing(디젤 분사시기), Double-row nozzle(2열 노즐), Narrow angle nozzle(협각분사노즐), Nitrogen oxides(질소산화물)
초록 It is important to make better premixed combustion engines to reduce harmful engine emissions, such as nitrogen oxides(NOx) and smoke, by enhancing thermal efficiency in the internal combustion engines(ICEs). Specifically, since diesel compression ignitio (CI) engines are based on the auto-ignition function of diesel fuel in the co-existence of some premixed combustion and most of diffusive flame, homogeneity between air and fuel must be improved. To solve this problem, multi-holes and narrow injection angles for the diesel injector are recommended. If the number of holes in the injector is increased, it could help air utilization and shorten diesel spray penetration. Also, anarrow injection angle could help reduce wall impingement of the diesel spray, when the diesel injection timing is advanced, compared to conventional conditions. Therefore, in this research, the effect of a double-row nozzle was verified in a 6 L diesel engine under low load condition by varying the diesel injection timings from top dead center(TDC) to 70 ° before TDC(BTDC) in the intervals of 10 degrees. All the results were compared with original single-row nozzle cases. The result emphasized that the benefits of a double-row nozzle on reducing NOx and smoke improved thermal efficiency under premixed combustion regimes when diesel injection timing was advanced earlier than 40 ° BTDC.
원문(PDF) 다운로드 Journal Site

사단법인 한국자동차공학회

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