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32권 1호 1-13 2024 [한국자동차공학회 논문집 ]

제목 증기 동력 차량 이후 주요 동력 모빌리티의 차체 디자인 폼팩터 고찰
분야 차량 디자인
언어 Korean
저자 구상( 홍익대학교)
Key Words Body design(차체 디자인), Form factor(폼팩터), Motorized mobility(동력 모빌리티), Human space(인적 공 간), Power unit(동력장치), Drive unit(구동장치)
초록 The purpose of this study is to find the implications of body design form factors in future mobility systems by comparing functional changes in major types of mobility, from steam locomotives, internal combustion engine vehicles, and electric powered vehicles. This study began by defining mobility form factors, which are divided into external factors and internal factors. The body design is derived mostly from the internal factors in vehicles, such as power unit, drive unit, and human space. Observation and analysis were conducted on the physical changes in the internal factors of the major types of vehicles. Through such analysis, human space would be more of a deciding factor in future mobility, as well as external factors like human and social factors, such as cultural aspects and usability. These factors would be more important in future mobility body design developments with lesser use of mechanical elements, represented by electric propulsion systems.
원문(PDF) 다운로드 Journal Site

사단법인 한국자동차공학회

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