제목 |
회귀최소자승법을 활용한 도로 노면 마찰계수 추정 및 실차 검증 |
분야 |
차량동역학 및 제어 |
언어 |
Korean |
저자 |
김성진(한국자동차연구원), 편범준(한국자동차연구원), 최형진(한국자동차연구원), 최규재(군산대학교) |
Key Words |
Autonomous Emergency Braking(AEB) system(자동긴급제동 시스템), Commercial vehicle(상용 차량), Recursive least square(회귀최소자승법), Road surface friction coefficient(도로 노면 마찰계수), Wheel dynamics model (차륜 동역학 모델) |
초록 |
With the rapid development of new automotive-IT convergence technology, applications that provide vehicles with information, such as road slope and road conditions, in real time through 5G networks are being studied and developed. Moreover, road surface conditions, which are closely related to braking performance, are essential factors in developing autonomous emergency braking(AEB) systems and electronic stability control(ESC) systems. This paper presents an algorithm to estimate the road surface friction coefficient of commercial vehicles in real time by using the recursive least square(RLS) method. The vertical force on tires was calculated by using the vehicle longitudinal dynamics model, while the road surface friction coefficient was estimated by using the RLS method based on the wheel dynamics model. To verify the method proposed in this study, the road surface friction coefficient estimation performance was compared and verified by the TruckSim software and actual vehicle data. |
원문(PDF) |
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