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32권 1호 59-68 2024 [한국자동차공학회 논문집 ]

제목 정상유동 장치에서 CI 기관 유동의 특성(1)- SI 포트와의 비교
분야 엔진 및 연소
언어 Korean
저자 박용우(서울과학기술대학교), 엄인용(서울과학기술대학교)
Key Words Steady flow bench(정상유동장치), CI(압축점화), SI(불꽃점화), Swirl(스월), Impulse swirl meter(충격식 스월 측정기), PIV(입자영상유속계), Tangential port(접선형 포트), Filling port(충전 포트)
초록 In this study, the steady flow characteristics of 27 port opening cases in CI institutions were evaluated and compared with existing SI results to determine the macroscopic characteristics and differences between two engines. For this purpose, the swirl ratio ranged from 1.75 B to 6.00 B, using an impulse swirl meter and a particle image velocimetry. Then, the average of these values was calculated for each port and evaluation method so that changes in value can be analyzed, depending on the measurement location. Through this approach, the following results were obtained. Overall, the flow characteristics of the CI indicated less changes and remained consistent than SI, regardless of measurement location and method. Opening both ports simultaneously is very similar to the case of opening the tangential port. In the ISM evaluation, swirl decreased toward the downstream for both CI and SI, and the decrease was greatest in the case of the opened helical port. In the PIV evaluation, the swirl of the CI decreased as it went downstream, but SI exhibited different characteristics, depending on the shape of the combustion chamber. Additionally, in the PIV evaluation, if the axial velocity is assumed to be proportional to the planar velocity, swirl was at its highest. In the CI, the value was closest to the ISM evaluation, whereas, in SI, it varied, depending on the shape of the combustion chamber and the port. When the PIV evaluation was at its highest in CI, TVO closely matched ISM, starting at 3.00 B, FVO was always lower than ISM, and BVO matched well with ISM across the entire plane. Lastly, in the case of a pent roof combustion chamber in SI, the relative swirl ratio increased significantly as it went downstream. However, when a semi-wedge combustion chamber was adopted, the change in relative swirl ratio according to the measurement position was like that of CI.
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