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32권 1호 149-158 2024 [한국자동차공학회 논문집 ]

제목 동적 계획법을 이용한 48 V 마일드 하이브리드 시스템의 최적 구조 탐색
분야 전기동력자동차
언어 Korean
저자 함석종(한양대학교), 지용혁(현대자동차, 한양대학교), 이형철(한양대학교)
Key Words Mild hybrid electric vehicle(마일드 하이브리드 자동차), Architecture(구조), Electric supercharger(전동 슈 퍼차저), Dynamic programming(동적 계획법), Fuel economy(연비), Performance index(성능 지수)
초록 In this paper, we explore the optimal 48 V mild hybrid system architecture using dynamic programming. The 48V mild hybrid system generally adopts a parallel hybrid configuration with various architectures depending on the arrangement of the motors. Therefore, we select and explore various system architectures, considering single motor, dual motor, and electric supercharger configurations. Evaluation of mild hybrid systems primarily focuses on fuel economy. However, driving performance is also an important criterion because mild hybrid systems are applied to a variety of vehicles, ranging from mini vehicles to luxury vehicles. Additionally, the ability to support electrical loads must be considered, as electrical loads are increasing significantly due to advancements in convenience and safety functions. Therefore, in the evaluation of each system architecture, performance indices are introduced to assess not only fuel economy but also the electric load support ability and reserve driving power, presented as equivalent fuel consumption.
원문(PDF) 다운로드 Journal Site

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